zBASE commands
* | adds comments to a command file |
? [<exp>] | displays the value of an expression. |
# [<exp>] | sends the value of <exp> expression through the serial port to the printer. |
AT <co-ordinates> SAY <exp> | displays the value of the <exp> expression at the specified co-ordinates. |
AT <co-ordinates> GET <var> | formats fields on screen for operator input. |
APPEND BLANK | adds a blank record to the database in use |
APPEND FROM <filename> [PD]/[DELIMITED] [FOR <exp>] ] | adds new records to the current database from another database or Pipedream file. |
CLS | clears the screen. |
CONTINUE | extension to LOCATE command to move to next match. |
COPY TO <filename> [FOR <cond>] | creates new database from current one with optional conditional selection. |
COPY TO <filename> [PD] {DELIMITED] [FOR <cond>] | copies data from current file to new format with optional conditional pull. |
COPY TO <filename> STRUCTURE [DELIMITED] | creates a database file with same structure as current file, or a Pipedream file of the structure. |
CREATE <file1> FROM <file2> | creates zBASE file called 'file1' from Pipedream file 'file2' of format FIELD_NAME, with $ if a string field COMMA, WIDTH if its string field. |
DELETE RECORD | marks current record for deletion. |
DELETE FILE | removes selected file from directory. |
DISPLAY <[STRUCTURE]/[MEMORY]/[STATUS]> | shows on screen the selected option related to current use of database, memory variables and files respectively. |
DISPLAY <[ALL] / [FOR <cond>]> <[FIELDS field,field,field]> | shows data from current file in use [ALL] - shows seven records before pausing. |
DO <command file> | runs a command file. |
DO WHILE <cond> - ENDDO | runs the commands enlosed in loop as long as <cond> is TRUE. |
FIND <exp> | searches fo key field match in indexed file. |
GO [<exp> / <BOTTOM> / <TOP>] | moves record pointer to <exp>th record or top/bottom. |
IF <cond> - ELSE - ENDIF | runs the commands after IF if <cond> is TRUE, otherwise runs commands after ELSE. |
INDEX ON <fvar> TO <filename> | creates an index file in order of fvar. |
LET <var>=<exp> | establishes a value for a variable. |
LIST [ALL] | works as DISPLAY without the pause every 8 lines. [ALL] - shows all records without pausing. |
LOCATE FOR <cond> | moves record pointer to first record in file for which <cond> is TRUE. |
QUIT | closes all files and zBASE application. |
RECALL RECORD | removes DELETE mark on a record |
RELEASE <mvar> | removes specified memory variables. |
RENAME <file1> TO <file2> | changes name of file. |
RETURN | stops running current command file and returns control to previous command file or curly prompt. |
SELECT <[1 or 2]> | opens selected database area. |
SKIP [<exp>] | moves record pointer <exp> records along. |
USE [<file>] | closes current file and opens <file> if specified. |
USE file INDEX file | opens database in current area with index file. |
WAIT | pauses operation until a key is pressed. |
zBASE Functions
CHR(<exp>) | returns charater with ASCIIcode exp. |
CLI (<exp$) | sends <exp$> to the OZ CLI function for immediate execution. |
DATE() | provides current system date. |
DELETED() | returns 1 or 0 (TRUE / FALSE) to reflect status of current record. |
EOF() | returns 1 or 0 if end of file has been reached or not respectively. |
FILE(<exp$>) | responds with TRUE if file defined by exp does exist. |
INT(<exp>) | returns integer from exp. |
LEN(<exp$>) | shows length of string variable specified. |
LOWER(<exp$>) | turns string into lower case. |
LTRIM(<exp$>) | removes left hand blanks in string exp. |
RAM() | reveals RAM space available on currently selected device. |
RECNO() | returns current record number. |
SET ECHO | toggles echoing of all commands to screen. |
STR | To emulate a STR function use &. } LET A=2.03 } LET A$="&A" } ? "-"+a$+"-" -2.03- |
SUBSTR(<exp1$>,<exp2>,<exp3>) | extracts the sub-string from exp1$ defined as starting at position exp2, of length exp3. |
TIME() | displays system time. |
TRIM(<exp$>) | removes trailing blanks. |
UPPER(<exp$>) | converts string exp$ to upper case. |
VAL(<exp$>) | converts ASCII string to its numeric equivalnet. |
WHERE(<exp1$>,<exp2$>) | shows the starting character position for where exp1$ occurs in exp2$. |