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Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 18:01:55 GMT

Z88 Software

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TWO Cards
document describes the benefits and the procedure to prepare your
Flash Cards when using two of them in your Z88.
Using multiple Flash Cards,
brings major benefits. Unlike the smaller sized RAM and EPROM packs,
there is no wasted space in the slots, the full 1M space is used. This
- OZ 4.2, or OZ 4.7.1
- RAM,
- other applications
- and File Area
all to be accessible in the Z88 at the same time, allowing a 3M Z88 to be a reality at last.
The latest copy of
Flashstore v1.9.3 should be used as the older Zlab v 1.6.9 does not support
multiple Flash cards using the same application.

File Copy
Using 'Copy all Files to another File Card,' you are able to Copy all the Files from one card to another, without
having to use the RAM pack. This is very useful in reclaiming the space
left by deleted files. This command can either be evoked in the
MENU or with <>FC. It copies files from where you are, to the
other Flash card. If there are more than two, you will be asked which
Flash card to copy to.
Recommended Usage

At least 128K RAM pack size
Here is my first recommendation
on how you should use two Flash cards.
Note: Flash cards
can be read in any slot.
- Slot 1 - your RAM
card at least 128K to make the Z88 an expanded
- Slot 2 - an AMD Flash
card (which can be written in any slot)
- Slot 3 - any Flash card can be used.



Here is my second recommendation
on how you should use two Flash cards using the 512K Flash / RAM card if you want to use OZ 4.2 (or OZ 4.7.1).
Note: AMIC or AMD Flash cards
can be read and written to in any slot.
- Slot 1 - a 512K Flash / RAM
card to make the Z88 an expanded
machine with a bootable copy of OZ 4.2 (or OZ 4.x)
- Slot 2 - an AMD Flash
card (which can be written in any slot)
- Slot 3 - FREE to use with any Flash card or EPROM pack


At least 128K RAM pack size


Here is my third recommendation
on how you should use two Flash cards if you want to use OZ 4.x.
Note: Flash cards
can be read in any slot.
- Slot 1 - an AMD Flash card (which can be written in any slot) with a bootable copy of OZ4.x.
- Slot 2 - your RAM
card at least 128K to make the Z88 an expanded
- Slot 3 - any Flash card can be used.
Flash cards can only be written in slot 3.
How to tell if the Flash Card is AMD, AMIC or INTEL?
Run Flashstore and compare these displays. Use SELECT CARD to change card slot,

AMIC - The top right-hand side window displays AMIC (and then the chip number)

AMD - The top right-hand side window displays AM29F
(and then the chip number)

INTEL - The top right-hand side window displays
I28F (and then the chip number)

INTEL - Old Flashstore application for INTEL chip only. Can be updated.
Note: There are two more Flash
chips that are being used. They can only be written to with OZ 4.7.1.
Flashstore will see them as EPROMs.
Flashstore & Software Supplied
When you buy a Flash
card it comes with Flashstore and other software so that you can
use your flash card straight away. When you use two or more flash cards, you do not need two copies of Flashstore,
the same program can read or write to either flash card.
Sharing Applications and File Areas
Just to remind you, Flashstore allows you to have both Applications
and File areas on the same device. The dividing line is determined
by the total size of the Applications area in 64K blocks. These applications
are in slot 2 all we need to do is to erase the application area
in the second Flash card in slot 3 so that we can use the whole
area for files.This is just like using the older type EPROMs
again (only we can still erase the Flash cards in the Z88).
How to Delete Applications (in slot 3)
- You need a copy of Garry Lancaster's Romcombiner
v2.10 which is supplied with the Flash card or download it from
- Unzip it either on
your main computer or on the Z88 (you only need 3 files)
- RomCombiner.bas
- RomUtil.bas
- romcombiner.bin
- Select BBC BASIC
- Type
- Type
- F - for Flash EPROM block erase
- Type 256 - for all
- and then 0 - to end
- Select Flashstore []J - it will
show the file area in slot 2
- Move the cursor down one to
SELECT CARD - Select '3' or move the cursor to the FLASH 1024K
- Format the File area by selecting
- You should now see a 1024 file
area with 1024K Free
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