Thursday, 06-Mar-2025 15:37:26 GMT

Z88 Training Days

Untitled Document
What's Here?

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Back in 1988, Rakewell held Z88
Training Days. I have come across the original files and decided
to convert them to HTML to put on the web.
There is a catch - only Session
1 has been converted so far due to the amount of time it takes,
so what I am asking for (if you like this feature) is a donation.
Once there is around £50, I'll convert the 2nd section
and so on. There are 3 sections in all.

I would like to take this opportunity
to thank all the people who attended those days and for the fun
we all had.
Vic. Gerhardi 28th May 2000
Untitled Document
Intro z88 training
DAY - Web Edition
Write down the Version No of your Z88 here.
(To find out turn the Z88 on - press the INDEX
key, then the HELP key followed by the <LEFT ARROW> key.)
My machine reads the following:-
The Cambridge Computer Z88 Portable Version
Copyright (C) Trinity Concepts Limited 1987
Copyright (C) Protechnic Computers Limited 1987
Copyright (C) Operating Systems Limited 1987
Copyright (C) Colton Software Limited 1987
PipeDream is a Trademark of Colton Software Limited
- Have you made copies (or BACKUP) of your
important files onto EPROMS, zTape or a computer transfer program?
- If you are unsure what I am talking about
PLEASE e-mail me.. These notes are short as there is a lot of ground to
Two important keys
There are TWO important keys on the Z88
ESC - is the PANIC key - it normally takes you back from where you were.
MENU - Shows ALL available commands in the
Program you are running.
HELP - There is only limited help here -
just a marketing ploy?
Untitled Document


![[ Top of Page ]](../images/top_of_page.gif) |
 ![[ Front Page ]](../images/home1.gif) |
![[ BBC BASIC ]](../images/bbc_basic.jpg) |
![[ Z88 Section ]](../images/z88.gif) |
![[ PC Section ]](../images/pc.gif) |
Rakewell Limited 1998 - 2025
