
Hi there,
I'm Vic, and I have been to a number of Vintage Computer Fairs with a load of Z88 stuff.
This is the only
time this year that our Z88 stock will be out for over 5 years, so make sure you come and have
a great day! I've been involved
with the Z88 as soon as it came out in 1987, written a book on
it, (Z88 Magic)
and ran some Z88
Training Days.
So if you want to
know how to do something with the Z88 - I'm your man.
What will I bring?
Knowing that at these
sorts of events, we are all after bargains and items that are
difficult to obtain.
Here is my provisional
list so far. If you are interested in anything else that is NOT
on the list, let
me know and I can add it (so save posting it later on).
Bring your own Z88 - I don't have any left :(