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Tuesday, 25-Mar-2025 23:03:27 GMT

Z88 Hardware

Welcome to Z88 Computers

Z88 User Guide Ed 3 Now available in printed format.
The standard, new unused Z88 comes in a cardboard carrying case
together with the User Guide.
The most portable
full-function computer ever devised.
Less than an inch
thick, measures 11½ in x 8¼ in. Weighs under 2
Comes complete with
integrated set of powerful applications software: word-processing,
spreadsheet, database, calculator, diary, calendar, clock, alarm,
printer editor- all included in ROM.
Can export, import
and manipulate data from IBM- compatible PCs; converts its own
applications software into Wordstar or Lotus 1-2-3 files.
Extra memory comes in solid-state, interchangeable packs- only
2 1/5 in square x 3/8 in deep. No fragile disks, no bulky disk
of RAM built in, expandable to 3 megabytes - enough to hold the
complete works of Shakespeare.
Permanent storage on EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)
packs, available in 32K,128K and 256K.. 1 megabyte Flash EPROM
packs are here NOW.
Latest (in 1988) supertwist liquid crystal display provides large
working area of 8 lines x 80 characters.
RS232 port provides connection to virtually any standard printer.
QWERTY keyboard has silent, short-travel keys; use in meetings,
lectures, anywhere.
Runs on four AA batteries. Built-in capacitor preserves data
when batteries need to be changed. |
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Z88 Technical Specification
Four-chip design
- CPU, ROM. RAM, gate array.
ROM 128K containing operating system and applications software
together with BASIC/Assembler.
RAM 32K expandable via 32K, 128K 512K and 1 megabyte to
a maximum 3 megabytes, battery-backed from the computer.
EPROM/FLASH EPROM Up to 3 megabytes removable storage capacity
via 32K, 128K 256K and 1 megabyte packs.
Applications software Pipedream word-processing and spreadsheet
applications. Database. Calculator, diary, calendar, clock, alarms,
printer editor, come as pop-down' screens.
Operating system Oz operating software, (v2.2 or 3.0) allows task-switching between
applications without loading or exiting.
Language/Assembler Powerful BASIC.
Display 8 x 106 characters superIwist' LCD. Includes 8 x 80 working
area, page map (shows where you are on a complete page), battery
strength, alarm status.
Power 4 AA batteries provide 20 hours active computing
or one year on standby.
Ports Three for memory-pack expansion, RS232 for popular
printers and data import/export.
Z88 Accessories
RAM Packs
Require no external power,
and are available with 32K and 128K 512K and 1 megabyte capacity.
EPROM Packs Solid-state
permanent storage, available in 32K, 128K and 256K. 1 megabyte
FLASH EPROM packs available NOW.
EPROM Eraser Z88 EPROM Eraser, completely
deletes EPROM data - leaves you with a blank EPROM pack, ready
for re-use.
PCLINK Consisting of software diskette
and RS232 serial cable, allows transfer and receipt of ASCII files
between the Z88, and an IBM or compatible PC. Also converts Z88
Pipedream files into either Wordstar or Lotus 1-2-3 files.
Links for other computers available.
Serial Printer Cable
Connects the
Z88 to any printer with a standard serial port.
Parallel Printer
Cable connects
the Z88 to any printer with a standard parallel port.
AC Adapter helps preserve battery life,
and is useful when the Z88 is in constant use in a fixed position.
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RAM and Flash Cards? |
How to decide what to get
The Z88 comes with
32K RAM 'built-in' memory. This is just enough to try out the
examples given in the manual before you run out.
If you want to use
your Z88, you need more RAM because it uses RAM as working memory
and for storing files.
RAM gets used for everything
You should use other
devices to back your files up, but the first need to be stored
in RAM otherwise you are unable to get them to the other devices.
RAM should be added (in slot 1 (or slot 2 if using OZ 4.x)) initially. This makes the Z88 an 'expanded' machine, the preferred configuration.
of RAM |
used by Z88 |
left |
32K |
8K |
24K |
128K |
40K |
88K |
512K |
40K |
472K |
1024K |
40K |
984K |
Cambridge Computer Memory
Card booklet (500K)
The Z88 uses some
of the extra RAM for itself internally for Applications and BBC
BASIC. You will quickly discover that you need more RAM than
you think.
The following example
assumes using a 20K document in Pipedream with a 128K RAM Pack.
of RAM |
128K |
used by Z88 (expanded machine) |
40K |
left |
88K |
amount used by Pipedream |
20K |
required to store the file in :RAM.1 |
20K |
left |
48K |
Remember If you have not got enough
space to save the file to RAM, you will not be able to save it
to the EPROM Pack or transfer the file to another computer.
Note If you put your RAM in slot
2 then the Z88 will not be an expanded machine.
FLASH cards
If you
have enough RAM, you need the 1M Flash card to save your life's work to
before something goes wrong with the Z88. I.e. loses it due to the
battery going flat or the Z88 just crashes. Unlike the RAM where you
can delete individual files to gain extra space, all the files on the
Flash card are deleted when the device is formatted on the Z88. So you
need enough RAM to store these files whilst you do that or use a second
Flash card to transfer the files across.
What do I do?
now use the combined 512K/512K RAM/Flash card as I have never run out
of memory with 512K RAM and the extra 512K space may be used for
applications and file storage. I use an additional Flash Card so that
it can be used to transfer files to another Z88.
Computer The Z88 Card Exchange System (864K)
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Z88 & Advice
Is your Z88 not working, or at
least not working properly? Has it lost all your files again?
We hold limited stocks of Z88 parts
and can get you running again. Give us a call. With the Z88 at a new low
price it is often more cost-effective to buy a spare machine.
REMEMBER we are computer consultants
who can HELP YOU to use Z88's (and other computers) in most applications.
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Rakewell Limited 1998 - 2025

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