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Z88 Reviews

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Any reviews or comments from
readers who have left me an e-mail from this site and general
Z88 interest items.
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Living a dream
------Original Message-----
From: Dr. Carlos Fernando Viegas Rosa {email removed)
Sent: 26 March 2004 08:38
To: Vic Gerhardi
Subject: RE: Z88-Starter Pack (with 1M RAM)
Hello Vic,
I wait a long time to say this:
I have the Z88 cambrigde computer on my hand. It´s a dream
that comes true.
I receive the computer yesterday at the morning. You can´t
imagine how was the last and this week. I went to post, I sent
faxes, I telephone for everywhere trying to correct the adress.
Nobody knew to informe me where is the parcel. It was simple because
the parcel wasn't at the post.
I went to the site of the Parcel Force, digit the number
of the parcel and saw all the steps that it done until arrive
at the destination country.
But there was wrote that the parcel was guiven to the delivery
agent in Portugal, so I try to find out who was the delivery agent
in Portugal. I sent a mail to the Parcel Force World Wide to make
the question.
Yesterday at the morning someone ring to me and ask me
about this parcel thanks to god I was saved.
This is a boring story but it is true. But it is true too
that it belongs to past.
Now I have the most fantastic portable computer in the world.
" Z88 is on the move " now it is in PORTUGAL
I 'm very happy with the computer I test everything, the mains
adapter, the batteries, I put the memory card at the slot 1 and
execute the comand, the machine show me 1024K at the RAM:1.
I try to make some routines in BASIC to teste the programming
language and the results were good it is very similar in some
comands with other BASICs. This language make the machine very
powerfull we can do allmost everything that we want.
The firts operations that I make was set the date and clock. I
need to read more of the user guide...
It had a good calender there is no bug for year 2000.
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Untitled Document
(yesterday) the Z88 comes in my hand
------Original Message-----
From: Torsten.Reimann@email removed
Sent: 16 August 2002 08:38
To: Vic Gerhardi
Subject: RE: Z88-Starter Pack
Hello Vic,
now (yesterday) the Z88 comes in my hand.
Very lovely. A great system.
Thanx for all your efforts, i are very content thereby.
I think this maschine is the amazing thing i ever seen.
Torsten Reimann
Client Services
4002 Basel
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