Sunday, 02-Feb-2025 09:58:35 GMT Z88 Archive Software ForeverThis compilation has been updated to include EP-Fetch2Garry Lancaster has now stopped further development on Z88 projects. This section is just to act as a link between the previous forever site which contains full details apart from EP-Fetch2 which replaces EP-Fetch. The new software which is used with Flash EPROMs or EPROMs can be downloaded from here.
If you do not wish to do this yourself see We can do it for you. EP-Fetch2This program fetches files (including corrupted or deleted ones) from your EPROM (or Flash EPROM) without you having to type the filename.. It now allows you to print the filenames to a printer or file.EP-Fetch first appeared as a programming example in the Z88 Programmers Guide. Since then it has been modified several times to include more features. This version has been modified by Garry Lancaster and Jorma Oksanen and I wish to thank and acknowledge the work they have done. New Features
CommandsEPROMs can be read in any slot 1-3. The slot is selected before the main menu is displayed. Re-scan EPROMallows this operation to be repeated at any time without leaving the application. Fetch a fileare fetched to the Default RAM Device as selected in the Panel []S. The filenames (and deleted files shown in TINY TEXT) are displayed in the left-hand window and the cursor is moved using the up - down cursor keys over these names. The status window is on the right hand side. The initial display shows number of files, bytes used and free space. The free space information gets scrolled up when files are selected. Free memoryallows this information to be recalled at any time. A file is selected when the ENTER key is pressed. If that file is in a directory, the directory will be created automatically when fetching the file. The following options are then given in the status window.
Save file listsaves the filenames to a file, one line per file with the file size. The Print file listprints them to your printer in a maximum of three columns up to 16 characters. If the directory/filename is longer, then the columns will be two or one depending on the length. The following options are then given
Reads files from corrupted EPROMJorma has been busy again. If you have an EPROM that cannot be read, then this version will try to recover those files again. It displays the files in slot 3 if the EPROM is OK. To select slot 1 or 2, you need to use shift-enter. If slot 3 card is corrupted it displays the slot selection prompt. Full details in whatsnew. You can tell if you have the latest version by looking at the EP-Fetch2 help screen and if you see JO 2004, you have the latest version. EP-Fetch2 is supplied on forever v202. We can do it for youNot happy about doing these upgrades yourself?Just send us a £5 note (for UK users) or £10 (for overseas users) together with your Flash EPROM or EPROM and your requirements and we will do this for you. Z88 Software