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Thursday, 06-Mar-2025 18:29:34 GMT

Z88 Programmers Section

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Zprom - EPROM Programming Utility for Z88 Application Cards

This application takes compiled Z80 code and blows it into a conventional UV light EPROM Card or by using additional commands to handle erasing and programming, the new 1M Flash EPROM.

Since the Z88 already has the hardware, it was only a simple step to exploit this facility into producing a utility to enable the developer to create his own EPROM Application Cards. Other solutions would have been to use EPROM add-on hardware on a stationary computer with a special adapter (using a Z88 slot edge-connector that converts to a standard chip pin out) to allow an EPROM card to be blown. Too expensive and with a problem to fetch a Z88 edge connector - only possible if you destroy a Z88!

You may also use Zprom to perform copies of existing Application Cards if you want to use the EPROM card for file storage in stead, or even want to transfer applications from 32K Cards to 128K or larger Cards (enabling more applications to fit in one single Card). Zprom also facilitates commands to view, edit or copy every part of the Z88 memory to a file (through a work buffer). Binary search facilities in all available memory are also possible.

Special commands are available to load memory blocks directly into a RAM Card. This requires a special modified RAM Card that the Z88 operating system regards as an EPROM Card. The modified RAM Card is very useful in software development since you avoid the tedious task of using EPROM Cards as the developing media (remember that you have to erase them again!).

All Zprom commands have in-built on-line help for easy learning of the EPROM management principles. Pressing the <HELP> key in conjunction with a <MENU> key automatically displays on-line help for that command. 24 stand-alone topics have been provided as well for an easy understanding of Zprom principles and the underlying Z88 hardware architecture. However, all necessary information cannot be explained in detail through the on-line help. You should then go for the Zprom documentation (PipeDream format) or read the Developers' Notes V3 (also in PipeDream format) for all necessary knowledge about the hardware organisation of the Z88. Untitled Document

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ZetriZ - a "TETRIS" look-alike graphics game that exploits the PipeDream map area
ZetriZ screen shot

InterLogic have provided a complete set of graphics routines bundled with the Z88 Assembler Workbench, which is a part of the standard library. All source files are supplied. We made ZetriZ to display the potential of graphics in the map area - also known as the PipeDream Map Area. ZetriZ - apart from the graphics are using many of the standard library routines. As an extra bonus, we have supplied the complete source for the ZetriZ game as well - for your sole pleasure of investigating the inner workings of the algorithm behind the block game and how the graphics are displayed. We hope to encourage new developers to develop exciting new applications that can exploit the graphics capabilities of the Z88.

ZetriZ allows you to play in three modes; using standard Tetris Blocks, extended blocks only or both modes mixed. You may adjust the playing area, and starting speed. The high score table is automatically loaded and saved when the ZetriZ application is activated or KILL'ed. You may create several ZetriZ applications that can be simultaneously suspended/reactivated. High scores of the different games are merged with each other; this allows always for the best score to be kept (until it is beaten!).

The graphics routines support plotting, line drawing (inclusive squares), sprite movement and graphics area pixel scrolling.

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[ Mail to Gunther ]For software questions, ask the Z88 Development Team

© Rakewell Limited 1998-2004 InterLogic 1999 Untitled Document

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