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Friday, 28-Mar-2025 19:38:33 GMT

Z88 Help & FAQ

Z88 HELP Section


This was going to be a small booklet designed in 1992 to be with you and your Z88 always and help you when things start appearing to go wrong with your Z88. The booklet never happened because of costs, so we have added it to our web pages instead.

It tells you how to find out what has gone wrong and has good housekeeping tips to keep your Z88 in shape.

It is not designed to tell you everything you can do with your Z88, if you need that information, then `Z88 Magic' or the user guide would help you.

There are also other Z88 help leaflets designed by other people that I have received. These have also been scanned in to help you.

I have added a FAST-TRACK following several request that a list of `easy-to-use' instructions to get the Z88 running would be helpful.

If you have any useful points that you feel could be added, please e-mail your suggestions.


Other Help Leaflets
The 10 minute guide to the Cambridge Z88 for Macintosh owners was produced by Cambridge North America

Page 1
Page 2

The Z88 Quick Reference Guide covers

  • Z88
  • Pipedream
  • Diary

Page 1 2 3 4


How help is organised

Navigation is done by using the two windows on the right-hand side. The Help Section Contents and the Page Contents allow quick access to the various points. Remember to select 'New Window' in your Web browser, if you do not wish to lose your place.

There is now an index of contents on our site map.

When troubleshooting, you need to take certain steps to figure out what has gone wrong. Often these steps need to be repeated for different symptoms.

To save space, and repeating the advice again, I have split this troubleshooting into three sections starting at Section 1.

Section 1 lists the steps you need to do and Section 2 details the steps. As I may refer to some topics more than once, you may have to jump using the hyperlinks but it means I can do less writing!


If I refer to another topic this will be in italics.

Section 3 lists Good Housekeeping Rules. Following these can save you from disasters - (if they are followed beforehand).

Section 4 is the Odd Bin with useful information that I can't be fitted into any of the other sections. Unexplained happenings are attempted to be explained here.

Section 5 lists known bugs with possible solutions. Manufacturers often don't admit that their products have bugs. I would like to thank Mark Andrews at Cambridge Computers for sending me some bug sheets from Scotland and to John Crouchley who compiled a list of bugs in 1989.

Section 6 is the FAST-TRACK - see above..

Section 7 discusses file conversion between Pipedream, Word and (eventually) other programs.


Do not JUMP
You may be tempted to jump steps thinking, `No it can't be that.' This is a BIG MISTAKE. I have found that there is a difference between what you think is wrong and what was really wrong.  top You would be surprised how many `faulty Z88s' I have had returned, which only needed a new set of batteries. Please follow the steps methodically. It does pay off in the end. Good luck and have fun!

Finally . . .
Rakewell is supposed to be making some money out of its operations. This August Bank Holiday weekend I have spent around 40 hours putting this on the web so that this information would not get 'lost.'.  top If you have found this section useful, please send us a small contribution, (say £5 - £10) so that I can show to my co-director that it was worth 'staying in' for the weekend. (please help me!) 30th August 1999.
Many thanks (to the following for their contribution)  top Ivan Birch 08/06/2002

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  Help Section Contents

Help Introduction

1 - Z88 Not Working

2 - Fault Finding

3 - Good Housekeeping

4 - Odd Bin

5 - Bugs


7 - File Conversion

8 - Mailmerge

9 - Printing

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  Help Introduction Contents


How help is organised

Do not JUMP

Finally . . .
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Z88 Internet Links

z88 logo

Z88 Wiki

Z88 Forever

Z88 RAM Applications

Z88 Development Group


Z88 3D Printer Card Details

Z88-development 2003

Project: Z88 Development: Summary

Z88 Developers' Notes V4.3


Keith Korner

Colin Parsons (RIP)
Z88 Page (Archived)

Computer Classic Games Server including Z88 files (Archived) [GONE]

Matthew Soar Home Page

FWDcomputing on the Z88 and QL [GONE]

Dominic Morris Z88 Projects

Dennis Gröning - Cambridge Z88 [ image: nothing]


Use Graphics on your Z88 with the BBC BASIC Patch

Run Acorn software on your PC[ image: nothing]

Rakewell Limited is not responsible for the content of these internet sites.

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