Sunday, 02-Feb-2025 12:57:54 GMT Z88 Archive Computer Links BBC Link
Nimbus Link for the Z88 |
JUST FOUND - a few copies of the first (and only) Lindis transfer program for the Nimbus and Z88. Get those files transferred, before that computer dies forever!
Supplied with a 3½" disk, a 9-to-telephone conector cable and instructions.
Vision/L is a VT 100 terminal emulator and provides an RS-232-C interface with communication speeds up to 38,400 baud.
Data is displayed on the Z88 screen (80 character 8 line) which acts as a 'window' into an internal 24-line VT100 screen. The user can move the 'window' using the cursor keys, and also choose whether the window automatically follows incoming data or remains fixed at a constant point in the internal screen.
The full 24 line screen is constantly visible as a 'pixel map,' a miniature representation of the full 24-line screen complete with a cursor showing the current window position.
The full size VT100 terminal has more keys than are available on the Z88. Vision/L emulates these extra keys by using the Z88 <> and [] keys.
Function keys are obtained by using the [] key. This displays the Z88 keyboard layout with the function name for each key. Pressing any key then emulates the selected function.
The VT100 keypad keys are also available to the user at any time by pressing the <> key in conjunction with the relevant keypad key.
The DEC VT100 terminal represents a de-facto standard for screen formatting and keyboard interpretation and is available as an interface option on a vast number of mainframe, mini and micro-computer hosts. The standard is also used widely in specialised electronic equipment where external interrogation is required.
The VT100 interface consists of commands, or 'escape code sequences,' that are inserted into the normal data stream in order to instruct the terminal on how and where to display data. these sequences also control other functions in the terminal, like for instance the character codes to be returned when certain keyboard keys are pressed.
Wherever practical, Vision/L behaves in response to these commands exactly as a VT100 terminal would. In cases where a particular command is not supported, Vision/L recognises, but does not respond to, the command. Commands are not supported because they are impractical in the Z88 hardware, like smooth scroll, for instance.
Vision/L will only run in an EXPANDED Z88, so you need at least a 128K RAM pack installed.
[GS18 phone] |
To connect the Z88 to the Ericsson GS18 we use
Disclaimer: We can't be help responsible if anything go wrong (if you damage your Z88, GS18 or cables) after you decide to apply the following instructions. OTOH, it worked for Paul Gibbs, so it's up to you...
Parts needed:
of course you'll also need a soldering iron, screwdriver, cutter, etc...
The key point is which wire goes on which pin of the connector, so here's a diagram to explain:
(moulded lead) |
(connector & hood) |
A few words of explanations: Join the wires that come from pins 5, 8 and 9 on the Z88 and connect them to pin 4 to the GS18.
Forget using the Z88's limited terminal application. Z-Term can be used with auto-dial modems and to transfer files to computers.
Speeds of 75, 300, 600, 1200, 1200/75 (V23), 2400, 9600 and 19200 can be selected.
Teletype or Viewdata (for PRESTEL) modes are supported together with the Baud rate, delay times, parity settings (Even Odd None Mark Space) and function key assignments for each telephone number stored.
A 'tape-recording' facility can be used to record what is displayed on the screen when 'on-line' for later scrutiny or printing. Files can also be prepared off-line and sent when required.
The program can store up to five telephone numbers and Log-On strings, allowing easy access to bulletin boards, CompuServe and other off-line services. Xmodem file transfer protocol is also provided so that files can be transferred (with a suitable cable) to other computers that have a terminal program and Xmodem already installed.
Other commands and facilities include
Instead of using an EPROM use a cassette tape instead.
Z-Tape is modelled on the Z88 Filer pop down. Saving to tape is as easy as saving to EPROM.
Restoring from tape is easier than from EPROM using the Filer. All files may be restored, or a single file may be specified.
A Verify routine is included to check file integrity once it is saved.
For best results the recorder should be simple, without any tone controls and run on at least four 1.5v batteries. The connecting lead from the Z88 to the cassette recorder (which has two 3.5mm plugs on it - for the microphone and earphone sockets) is extra.
Description | Price | VAT | Total |
PC AT 9/25 way Serial Cable | £7.50 | £1.50 | £9.00 |
PC AT 9/9 way Serial Cable | £20.83 | £4.17 | £25.00 |
Z88 Serial Link |
£16.67 | £3.33 | £20.00 |
PC-Link 2 (Cambridge) | £29.17 | £5.83 | £35.00 |
* EazyLink or OZ 4.7 upgrade | £25.00 | £5.00 | £30.00 |
PC Link 2 to EazyLink upgrade (ROM only for MAC users) | £8.33 | £1.67 | £10.00 |
MAC Link or PC-Link 2 ROM only (Cambridge) | £20.00 | £4.00 | £24.00 |
Rakewell Limited 1998 - 2025 |
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